Friday, February 3, 2012

Ralph Messer & Bishop Eddie Long

In the last couple days a video has surfaced that shows Ralph Messer, who claims to be a Messianic Rabbi and claims to represent the People of Israel, desecrating a Torah Scroll by misuse of it to make some proclamations about Bishop Eddie Long, of New Birth Missionary Baptist, in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Bishop Long has recently been embroiled in a disgraceful situation where five young men brought a suit against him for sexual abuse. What Ralph Messer does throughout the video is dispicable and we strongly renounce his actions and his claims. The video can be found at Be sure to read the comments below the video, after viewing the video.

In service to our JEWISH Messiah,
Rabbi Michael Wallace

The following are some unofficial responses from others of my colleagues:

The Messer Mess: Repudiating a Disgraceful Act
Posted on February 3, 2012 by Rabbi Stuart Dauermann

A YouTube video is making the rounds showing a man name Ralph Messer desecrating a Torah scroll at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. The Torah is the holiest object of the Jewish people. There are strict limits and guidelines as to how it may be used. People have shed their blood to honor these guidelines and limits. Ralph Messer cannot be bothered with any of this: he has the scroll wrapped around disgraced Pastor Eddie Long, while he blesses him in the name of God. The Torah is never used in this manner–it is not an implement to be used to make one’s point or to serve as a handy metaphor.

Sadly, some in the media are mistakenly associating Mr. Messer an his conduct with Messianic Judaism.

Fortunately, a diligent reporter for the Associated Press spoke to Rabbi David Shiff of Congregation Beth Hallel, a Messianic Jewish synagogue in nearby Roswell, Georgia, who said.

“Ralph Messer in no way represents Messianic Judaism,” Shiff said. “He is not affiliated with any legitimate branch of Messianic Judaism. His actions in no way reflect the position of Messianic Judaism. I found the presentation to be repulsive and inappropriate.”
(See the AP article at

Messer is a self-authenticating lone wolf, non-Jew who calls himself a rabbi. His conduct confirms the worst stereotypes promulgated by those who fear, or in some cases, despise Messianic Judaism.

Such people need to know that we who are leaders and congregants in the Messianic Jewish Movement despise what Ralph Messer has done.

We in the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations want to make this very clear. Ralph Messer neither speaks for us, nor does he speak as one of us.

Some things cry out to be repudiated. This is one of them.

A Shonda!
Posted on February 3, 2012, by Rabbi Michael Schiffman

This week, a photo, and later a YouTube video was circulated about an impostor, posing as a Messianic Jewish rabbi, desecrated a Torah Scroll by wrapping it around a Christian pastor and blessing him, by making strange and outlandish claims. My feelings of revulsion have been shared by Messianic leaders around the globe, as comments and bloggers have been decrying this action for several reasons.

First of all, this man, Ralph Messer, is no Messianic Jew, and no rabbi. No Messianic Jewish organization endorses or accepts this man. Second, he isn’t even a Jew. He was raised as a Catholic and a former altar boy. He is part of a group called “Ephraimites,” made up of non-Jews who take on a Jewish affectation, and claim to be the Lost Tribes of Israel, and also claim to be Messianic, but have no heart or interest in genuine Jewish concerns. They are the Dungeons and Dragons of the religious world. They create a character, and assume it, in a fantasy Jewish existence. While its offensive to us in that they are engaged in the ultimate identity theft, on another level, what they are doing is as repulsive to us who are really Jewish, as a minstrel show would be offensive to African-Americans. Messianic Jews have it hard enough being who we are. We don’t need it made worse by people who are not us, masquerading as us, doing things we consider unholy, sinful and blasphemous!

The sight of this man taking a Torah scroll and abusing it was beyond painful for us to see. The reason this is such a disgrace is that a Torah Scroll is one of three things in Judaism considered holy in and of themselves. The other two are Tefillin, and Mezuzah parchments, because they are the very words of Torah, written on parchment prepared for the purpose of holy writing, with special ink, made with the purpose of holy writing, by a sofer, a man dedicated to writing holy writings. Within normative Judaism, these items are holy, in and of themselves, not by their use. To misuse a Torah Scroll in this way, is for us what taking Communion wafers, and using them as croutons in soup would be for a Catholic. I would hope our Christian friends would stand with us in condemning this act.

The sight of a sacred Jewish object being used in a way so far removed from its normal usage, and as no more than a prop for this bizarre ceremony was sickening. It was reminiscent of an account in the book of Judges in the Jewish bible, where the Ark of the Covenant was taken into battle against the Philistines. It was not how it should have been used. Israel lost the battle, and the Ark was taken captive by the Philistines, who put the Ark in the temple of their god Dagon. The Philistines noticed a problem when their Idol kept falling down before the Ark, and they suddenly had an epidemic of hemorrhoids and an infestation of rats. They sent the Ark back to Israel, where it was received and properly treated.

I’m not saying this misuse of this sacred object will bring a curse on Mr. Messer, the pastor or his church, but one never knows. Rabboni Shel Olam, the Master of the Universe doesn’t look too kindly on the intentional misuse of his Holy Things. I personally do know of people who have taken vows while holding a Torah scroll, did not fulfill the vow, and someone wound up dying. I’m not saying a Torah Scroll is lethal, but misusing a Holy thing can be bad for your health! Yes, to me, a Torah Scroll is holy, and one doesn’t fool around with what’s holy.

I add my voice to the many others protesting this despicable act and ask others to join us. I hope that people will understand this man and this horrible action has nothing to do with Messianic Judaism.

I suddenly feel like watching Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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